Just yesterday i was talking to krisha ki in a few days her nani & nanu are coming to stay with us.....
Krisha's new mischief
Different Types of Parenting
Parents who are authoritarian believe in structure. While not being abusive, they set high standards of behavior for their children and require obedience. Adherents to this parenting style get little input from their children when making decisions. This style may be good for children with behavioural or conduct disorders because they need structure and authority. However, if this is not the case, the child of authoritarian parents will often have low self-esteem and rely more often on the voice of authority.
While not being neglectful or careless, permissive parents let their children make many decisions. They use this parenting style to encourage creativity and spontaneity in their children. These parents use reasoning rather than authority when setting limits. This is a good parenting style for withdrawn children, but not for rebellious or aggressive children. This method can sometimes result in immature behaviour and an inability to control impulses.
The authoritative style of parenting is often seen as the best. These parents are not particularly firm or permissive. They also will set high standards for their children but leave some of the decision-making up to each child. These parents reason with and listen to their children but don't hesitate to insist on certain behaviors and limits. This parenting style works well with middle-of-the-road children who are neither shy nor aggressive. It helps children develop a sense of independence and self-sufficiency.
What are we? May be Authoritative. Or may be Permissive.
I guess the art lies in getting the balance in different types at different times.